Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Gift of Ordinary Days

I have been struggling on what to do for Lent this year, what can I give up in this world that will bring me closer to God? I've contemplated food not good for me, or my sometimes awful mouth and language and what is coming out of it, or habits that need changing....and none of them seem to really hit home to me. I just can't seem to find that "thing" that I'm supposed to be doing....

Got this from a wonderful friend this morning. Watching this made me realize that my issues aren't with the things of this world I need to give up, but that I need to be giving of MYSELF, and who so more than to my own child? I began to realize how busy I am, and how time is slipping away faster and faster every moment of everyday...and having an only child makes time slip exponentially faster. Coupled with the loss of our dear EddK this week, and knowing the three babies he has left behind, this video has compounded for me that I don't need to give up things but need to give more of my time to my child, my husband, my family....

This year for Lent and I pray going forward, I will be making a very renewed conscious effort to be more of one of my very favorite scripture's kind of person, to be a "Psalms 46:10" kind of be still and know that He is GOD. I will strive for more ordinary days, and to see the blessings, see the peace, see the awesome love of the Father in the small and big moments. Instead of rushing through mornings, I will try harder to give us more time to get to school with a good attitude and smiles to start the day. Instead of after school staying busy and going full speed, I will try harder to take more downtime and spend it with my guy just being, or playing a game, or doing something together. Instead of blowing through the nighttime routines because we got home late from activities, I will try harder to schedule things better...or learn to let go of some that there is more time spent in less stressful homework being accomplished, or more time in reading before bed and listening to him in whatever it is he needs to talk about.

Because before we know it, they will be gone.....

Surely I can't be alone in this quest. And if I am, Father forgive me for what I have become....

Please watch this video, it will remind you what an amazing gift you and your spouse have been given in your children. I am looking forward to slowing down a little, breathing a little more and treasuring every moment with my boy. I am grateful for this Lenten season to bring me to this place, and am looking forward to celebrating the rememberance of the Resurrection this season!

The Gift Of An Ordinary Day from Katrina Kenison on Vimeo.

Just wanted to share with you. Please keep the Hendee family, as well as our family, in your thoughts and prayers this weekend as we face one of the hardest days we will ever face....


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